Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

Today lesson is more to Experience Sharing Session. The class start with the presenter introducing himself, he is Mr. Ngoo Juon Huoi that better be called John. He wanted to talk about three of the most leading Teachnology in Education which are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) . Each students are encourage to try themselves all the powerful tools in Web 2.0 category.

Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

He started out with explanation of what is AI. 

Then we tried out an example of  Kahoot Hands-on Project which is Quizizz. 

This is a very fun and interactive type quiz where student can compete against each other to acquire first place. The student must answer each question accurate and precisely as well as be the fastest one to answer the question correctly to obtained higher score compare to others. Ofcourse, this will excites all the students in class and they will eagerly wanted to do well compare to their friends. Amazingly, this Quizizz can not only be done during class, it can also be done at home or anywhere else as long as you have the internet access. Students and parents can save their money from attending tuition class that as well will take a lot of time and preparation too. Quizizz helps a lot in understanding more of what students have learn from the theory being taught in class and from the information that can be read in text book. in Quizizz students can test their knowlendge and comprehention on certain topics as the question from quizizz usually has been set according to local standard for example, students in Malaysia can answer the question based on the standard curriculum of Malalysia.

Move to another topic explained by John, he then elaborate on the Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Things getting more interesting as we can experienced ourselves on how do AR and VR look alike and how do them work.

Thus, in ending my reflection towards that day class. i can conclude that each and every class of Communication Technology and Innovation in Physics Teaching and Learning gives a huge impact in my way to educate others especially students in Alma Mater. Too many new technology being introduced and explained extensively in class with the aim of increasing students engagement, comprehention and interest during Teaching and Learning Processes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

New Day, New Activity

As Physics Communication & Technology class on March 1st, 2019 started, students were instructed by Dr. Nurul Huda to record a short video using flipqrid apps that can be downloaded and installed by only using smartphone. The apps can be found freely on Google Playstore as shown below.

I successfully managed to upload an introduction video of myself using that apps that i found it was quiet interesting. 

It was like a new way to connect and engage with each other during classes where anyone can respond to any video that you uploaded. Interaction between peers can be done anywhere easily as long as you have the internet connections and still stay in the community. In my case, I enroll myself in SFP6024 group facilitated by Dr. Nurul Huda.

However, this in not the only activity on this three hour class, as the clock hit 2.40 p.m. Dr. Nurul Huda begins her lecture. 

Three subtopics were discussed, which are:

1- Trend in education.

Below is the best image to summarize for all the leading education trends in 2019. 

2- Privacy and Copyright issues.

3- Concept Mapping. 

This is the best part of the whole lessons in that day. I get to know how to organize my knowledge according to priority based on hierarchy of concept. I think this can be applied when you are in need to memorize too many informations and to avoid misconception. A concept map should consist of definition and relation between keywords (concept). It is a powerful way for students to reach high levels of cognitive performance. A concept map is also not just a learning tool, but an ideal evaluation tool for educators measuring the growth of and assessing student learning. To ease the work, Dr. Nurul Huda encourage as to use an online software called the Cmap Cloud. Here I share the link

So, this is what i get from doing this activity ๐Ÿ˜€.

and this,

very simple right. I hope this entry can help any of you to find the best way to educate others.

๐Ÿ’–Teaching it the greatest act of optimitism.~Colleen Wilcox ๐Ÿ’–

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

My Teaching Philosophy

A teacher selflessly dedicated to someone else's success. It is a profession that creates all other professions in this world. Teacher is a superhero, multi-tasker, problem solver, educational wizard, and a mentor. Every teacher comes with their own academic discipline that seeks truth through reasoning rather than empiricism.

Thus, for me, I pointed out some of my own teaching philosophies as referred to other successful educators. 

Every teaching philosophy starts with four big questions which are Why I Teach, What I Teach, How I Teach, How I Measure students understanding.

In this new era of twenty-first century, the development of science and technology has grow rapidly. Learning has made easier. All the informations are beyond fingertips. Teachers started to use more fun and innovative teaching style in order to catch students attention and increase their comprehention towards subject being taught. Teaching and learning becomes very interactive through the uses of modern technologies such as internet, mobile devices, networking, and online sharing. For that reasons, I took an initiative by continuing my study in master's degree programme in Physics Education in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris and enroling myself in Physics Communication and Technology class where a lot of new applications and softwares being introduced by Dr. Nurul Huda to students in that class which mostly are teachers in sake of more modernize and interactive teaching skills to be apply in school. ๐Ÿ’—

Problem-based Learning (PBL)

Problem-based learning (PBL) is indeed an innovation in the education system for the traditional teaching method. In PBL students are given...